QB House Hair Competition 2022 (Semi-Final)

Date of Event: 10th May 2022

Venue of Event: QB House Head Office


The 4 Star Judges and all the Contestants:


Briefing for the contestants regarding rules for the competition by the 4 judges:


Contestants draw lots and it will decide which position they will take for their competition. Going first round will be the Square Top style.


One of the judge presented the sample square top to the contestants:


Square Top Hair Competition begins and the duration is 10 minutes. There are 5 contestants for this segment.


Time is up and the judges stepped in to clean up and to start awarding points for each final haircut done by the contestants:


Appointed-Hairstyle Contestants draw lots to determine their positions for the competiton:


One of the judge presented the sample Appointed-Hairstyle to the contestants:


Appointed-Hairstyle Competition begins and the duration is 15 minutes. There are 7 contestants for this segment.


Time is up and the judges stepped in to clean up and to start awarding points for each final haircut done by the contestants:


Hairstylists and their end products:


The Finalists for QB House Hair Competition 2022:

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