Shiseido - Beauty Innovator Awards 2021/2022
Date of Event: 26th April 2022
Venue of Event: Fairmont Hotel Singapore

This was a big event and hence 3 event photographers were engaged.
Many creative hairstyles were presented on the stage this night with beautiful lightings and nice visual effects on the LED walls.
Here are some of the event photography coverage on my cameras:
#eventphotographer #events #hairstyle #hair #hairstylist #shiseido #eventphotography #photography #singaporeevents #fairmont #fairmonthotel #events #event #singaporeevent #eventphotography #eventphotographer #helenangme #helenangphotography #helenangphotographer #helenang #helenang #helen_ang_photographer #helen_ang_photography
events, events photographer, events photography, photographer, photography, photojournalism, competition, hair, hairstylistHelen Angeventsphotography, helenangphotography, singaporeevent, #helenang, hairstyle, hair, hairstylist, shiseido, BIA, beautyinnovatorawards, fairmonthotel, fairmont